Do you know what separates the life you have from the life you want?
Have you ever wondered what life you really want?
There is a very small line between the two.
One small step can convert the life you have into the life you want.
And that’s what I did. I took small steps, little by little, to begin living the life I wanted.

I will introduce myself:
I am Estela Romeralo.
Confident, a go-getter yet with fears
at the same time. A dreamer but with my two feet
on the ground. Mother of two daughters and daughter
of a wonderful mother
A licensed teacher by profession
and a natural apprentice of life.
The life I had was not what I wanted and I decided to take action. Because, as Jennifer’s father used to say: “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got.”
And that’s just what I did.
Stress, rush, work, home, children, family… We have so many things to do throughout the day that there is no time to stop and see if we are really doing what we like.
Have you ever paused to ask yourself if you are passionate about your work?
Have you ever stopped to think if your day to day really satisfies or even excites you?
If you died tomorrow, would you be at peace with yourself for having done what you wanted to do?
It is not Time that goes by, what goes by is life.
Are you willing to waste it?
I, no doubt, am not.
All of this may sound like something you may be hearing about lately, known as “The Great Resignation”, which is not exactly what happened in my case. I have not experienced “The Great Resignation” where the job I had was stressful or where my bosses did not treat me well.
In my case it was more a matter of self-discovery, getting to know myself and actually listening by myself. Really pinpoint what I wanted in my life.
So, thanks to the leave of absence that I took with my second daughter, I was able to pay more attention and become more aware of what I wanted. I wanted to live in a town; in my town. The town where I spent my childhood and my adolescence… the town where I wanted to raise my daughters. I left Madrid and came to a town in Toledo, Villanueva de Alcardete. Here there is no rush, time goes by slowly, distances are shorter, the countryside is close, people are even closer… but there is a downside: there is no work.
Is it really an inconvenience that there is no work in small towns? Or maybe life is offering the possibility to focus on what I really want?
I tend to see the positive side of things and trust what life has in store for me. I think that is why, after all this time getting to know myself and visualizing the life that I want… I have arrived right where I want to be.

How did I meet Jennifer Young, the essence of Naturalmente Mediterraneo?
Once I knew what my dream life was (at least for now), I got down to work. Clearly, what I wanted right now was to continue living in the town of Villanueva de Alcardete, being able to take my daughters to school and pick them up, have time for myself, to play sports and spend the afternoon with my family.
Was this very ambitious? Absolutely not. But it is true that I had to find a way to earn money.
Could there possibly be a job that would allow me to do all this? Exactly what I wanted to do? Yes. In my case, working as an SEO copywriter.
This pandemic has offered me so many good things, including discovering my writing skills. During confinement I began writing stories and after that, writing a book: “Necesito energía. Pequeños cambios para grandes madres. (I Need Energy. Small Changes for Great Mothers)”. All of this gave me the opportunity to really get into and enjoy my writing, gain more confidence in myself and to take advantage of the opportunity.
How could I use my writing skills, earn some money, and achieve the life I wanted? That’s when I started to get interested in the latest careers currently in-style in digital marketing: copywriter, digital consultant, community manager, social media marketing, digital project manager, SEO specialist, etc. Practically all of them could be done from home and on my own schedule. Exactly what I was looking for!
I contacted my friend Rocío G. Algora, SEO and personal brand consultant, specialist in web positioning and voila! I was able to access her Top Seo course to break into this digital marketing world, previously so unknown to me.
What things could I write about? What type of things am I comfortable with? I asked myself. It was clear to me: Things that I identify with. Things that I firmly believe in. Many topics came to mind: parenting, nature, sustainable fashion, Montessori education, natural skincare… Ah! Now I know!! I’ll do a search for natural skincare companies in Spain and check out their positioning on-line and look into their blog.
That was where Naturalmente Mediterraneo appeared.
I emailed the companies that I most identified with. It was a sincere email, where I wrote about what I wanted to achieve and what I had to offer. That is, I wrote about wanting to be able to live in the town with my family and I offered to write posts for their blog. Jennifer was the first to answer. I did eventually receive many more responses and other clients have emerged from those emails. However, Jennifer was the first to respond, thanking me for my email and she was interested to hear more about my work. Thank you, Jennifer, for trusting me and giving me this opportunity!
So, here I am now, in front of my computer at 6:15 a.m., writing my first post for the Naturalmente Mediterraneo blog and doing what I enjoy for several reasons:
– because I realized the life I had was not the one I wanted.
– because I have worked hard on a personal level to discover what that life was and I have taken action.
– because I make my own schedule.
– because I don’t mind getting up early if I know that later I will be able to enjoy being with my family. And ultimately,
– because life goes by quickly and we cannot waste it doing things that we don’t enjoy.
From now on, I will be the one looking after and writing for this blog, in collaboration with Jennifer. I will be writing every couple of weeks about all sorts of fabulous subjects such as slow living, health-conscious diet, the environment, rural living, natural skincare. Ultimately, little things we can do to help lead a healthy and mindful life.
Jennifer did something similar years ago on her “The Life I Want” journey, when she left her native country of Canada and returned to Spain to raise her daughter and again when she got out of a stressful job here in Spain during the Recession and opened Naturalmente Mediterraneo. Maybe we will write more about her story in a future post.
It’s your turn now, I would love to hear about you!
Are you willing to live the life you want?
Have you made a change in your work life or do you feel that there is something in your life that you would like to change?
Are there subjects you would like to us to write about on this blog?
Share your story or leave us a comment!
I am listening.
1 thought on “The life I want”
So nice to be working with you Estela. Love your first post and hoping this is just the first of many. Cheers to a long lasting working relationship!